What we can learn from grandmothers.

In Africa, elders transmit positive values to younger generations.

In African communities Grandmothers have great influence on their families, their wisdom is respected mad they are culturally responsible for socializing adolescent girls. The Grandmother Project is not just any program - it's a shining example of the incredible power of intergenerational collaboration.

By bringing together grandmothers and adolescents, this initiative fosters meaningful relationships and promotes well-being for both generations. The experience and wisdom of these grandmothers are not only valued but actively harnessed, creating a potent force for positive change within their communities. Don't underestimate the transformative potential of this program - it's a testament to the profound impact that can be achieved when different generations work together towards a common goal. Here are the results so far:

8,452 PRIMARY STUDENTS & 1,223 SECONDARY STUDENTS have participated in GMP Education programs

1,636 GRANDMOTHERS TRAINED and supported to make a difference in the lives of girls

77 VILLAGES AND 2 URBAN AREAS participated in GMP’s programs

See more about the project here.

You can also listen to this podcast to learn more.

Twinquiry: do you have a relationship with a grandmother? What wisdom or tradition does she pass on? Tell us your story here.


Using AI and photography to make a statement on aging.


A film addressing ageism and its impact on individuals and society.