Thom, 63
Creative, funny, workaholic
“ Love what you do, do what you love but take time out to love yourself (self care) and those around you a whole lot more. Be selfless, not selfish. And, always be grateful.”
✨ Twinsight: Thom’s authenticity comes through clearly. He’s not afraid to acknowledge or share his hard-learned lessons of his personal journey. And pairing this with an obvious sense of humour, he captivated us immediately. We loved how he aspires to be better everyday, acknowledging that he truly is and will always be a work in progress. It’s a great reminder that personal growth is never-ending and we should always try to evolve into our best selves.
I wanted to thank you for doing what you do to help shine the spotlight on us "experienced" people.
I'm 63 and feel 36 (until my body tells me otherwise LOL). I will never retire because I love what I do and I feel I haven't begun to do my best work yet. I'm excited about learning new things, working with new people, and sharing my skills, knowledge, and experiences with others.
I'm also grateful that I still have most of my hair and it's still largely its natural colour (thank you, Mom, for your good genes).
How old are you and how are you feeling about that?
A: I'm 63 but feel 36. I honestly don't think about my age (until someone tells me to grow up and act my age). I think you are only as old as you allow yourself to feel.
Three words that describe you.
A: Creative. Funny. Workaholic (I love what I do so it doesn't feel like work but I need to be more mindful and take more breaks from working)
What’s the worst part about aging and what’s the best?
A: Worst: Losing friends, loved ones, or the people you have admired for decades. It makes you think about your own mortality at times.
Best: Senior discounts! LOL
What’s the one life lesson that you wish you had figured out earlier?
A: Be true to yourself. Don't live someone else's life, live your own, and don't let the opinions of others shape you.
Proudest accomplishment?
A: That I met and married a wonderful woman. Regrettably, I messed that up because I put working and the opinions of others first. Moving forward, I have learned a lot of hard, painful lessons but I can use this experience and learn from my mistakes to become a better person.
Have you experienced ageism?
A: Does the grocery store clerk automatically applying the discount on Seniors Day or do people calling you "Sir" count? LOL. I'm pretty sure I didn't get some jobs I applied for in the past because of my age.
What’s your message to the world?
A: If you can be President of the United States at the age of 80 you can do anything at any age. Love what you do, do what you love but take time out to love yourself (self care) and those around you a whole lot more. Be selfless, not selfish. And, always be grateful.
Favorite band, book or artist?
A: My tastes change over the years but one band I have always loved is the Powder Blues Band (formed in 1978 in Vancouver). A couple of recording artists' songs that I love as well - "Rise" by Callum Scott and "I love my life" by Robbie Williams. Check them out. My latest favourite book - "Think Like a Millionaire" by T. Harv Eker.
What sparks your joy these days?
A: Cooking, eating good food, helping people, and having a good laugh.
What’s next for you? What does your future self look like?
A: I feel I haven't reached my peak yet so I'm looking forward to upcoming adventures and chapters in my life. My future self will focus on allowing myself to love and be loved more, and being better than the day before. Be better. Do better. Repeat.
Are there traditions in your culture related to aging that you would like to share?
A: Who wrote the rule that you need to retire at a certain age? I have no desire to retire because I love what I do. As a freelance graphic designer I get to meet many interesting people and get to learn about them and their businesses, and what motivates them. It keeps me feeling young.
Do you feel visible?
A: For the most part. If I feel invisible it's likely more because I put myself there. I'm an introvert so even putting myself out there by doing this is a big leap. Exciting though!
Are there things you are doing now that you couldn’t do before?
A: I feel like I'm experiencing lots of new "firsts" due to working on changing my mindset and worrying less about the opinions of others or letting fear dictate what I do. I'm a work in progress but it's exciting when things happen and I can say "Wow, I just did that!"
Learn more about Thom at, LinkedIn or Facebook